This is the fourth lesson from my Sunday night messages in which I have simply sought to zero in on the teachings of Christ on prayer.
D.M. M’Intyre: “The equipment for the inner life of prayer…a quiet place, a quiet hour, a quiet heart.”
“…every gracious work which has been accomplished within the Kingdom of God has been begun, fostered, and consummated by prayer.”
The title is taken from Matthew 6:9
In this lesson, we will be looking verse by verse from 9-13.
*Just before these verses, Christ spoke on the Motive in prayer, but now He is dealing with the Manner of prayer.
*Jesus is not commanding Memorization and Exactness in Prayer, instead He is revealing the Main Essentials of Prayer.
*If you just focus on the Precise Words, it becomes a Dead end to Prayer, but if you focus on the Wonder of Christ and the Will of God it is a Pathway for Power.
Matthew 6
9 After this manner therefore pray ye:
Recognizing Personal Relationship - God’s Personal Care for His own
Andrew Murray – He wants us to see the secret of effective prayer is to have a heart filled with the Father-love of God. It is not enough for us to know that God is a Father. It is necessary for us to take time to meditate on what that name implies period. We must take the best earthly father we know, contemplating carefully the tenderness and love which he regards the request of his child and the love and joy with which he grants every reasonable desire.
Acknowledging His Transcendence- God’s Holiness above His creation
3. WILLING OBEDIENCE TO KINGDOM FURTHERANCE - Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Submitting in humble obedience - to God’s perfect will on earth
Pray For
4. IN OUR MATERIAL LIFE, CONTENTMENT AND CONFIDENCE - 11 Give us this day our daily bread.
Trusting for daily Provision – This is of our precious needs and not of our petty wants.
5. IN OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE, LOVE AND FORGIVENESS – 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Seeking Forgiveness and willing to Forgive
6. IN OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE, PRESERVATION AND DELIVERANCE – 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
Longing for Spiritual Protection and Anticipating the Return of Christ
Finally, We Must Be
7. PRAISING AND ACKNOWLEDING HIS SOVEREIGNTY AND FAITHFULNESS – For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Adoring, Praising, and Committing to Him - Amen does not mean a careless "the end", but a confident "so it be done." It is not just for ENDING A PRAYER, BUT ALSO FOR EXALTING HIS POWER.
It's been said before that
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