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Ephesians 6:12 “For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.” AMPC

I am not sure what distinctly sets apart someone who is willfully ignorant and another who is foolishly naive. I am mulling over my years in the ministry, trying to figure out whether I simply didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes of the political network, the entertainment industry, and many other shrouded organizations or whether I was just so caught up with my own interests that, in a way, I didn’t care to know. I wanted to preach God’s truth. I know that. In time, I became so sick of the substandard way the American church, by and large, carried on that I started digging deeper into church history and also began tearing myself away from my long held views of what Christianity was supposed to look like. I was broken over the lack of scriptural understanding and the constant push for preferential regulations rather than true edification. Again though, I still wonder whether I did any justice to the ministry I was given. Did I strive to correctly preach God’s Word? Yes. Did I try to teach others to seek the cross rather than convenience? Sure.
But, in the midst of preaching and teaching, weekly devotions on the radio, and writing articles in newspapers, I truly wonder how much more I could have said and how many children I could have helped, if I would have clung more deeply to Ephesians 6:12 and lived life like I was in a raging battlefield and not in a preset minefield! Far too often believers tip toe through life, trying not to be burned by the world, that they forget the exhortation in which they are called to pull people from the fire (Jude 1:23)! William Booth once stated, “"We are not sent to minister to a congregation and be content if we keep things going. We are sent to make war and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus."
You see, I am starting to see things for what they are and not what I have expected them to be. Namely, the horrific industry of child trafficking. I have always known that there were unspeakable cruelties happening across the globe, but so often I thought it was just random acts that revealed the depravity of mankind. I didn’t realize that the vile sex/child trafficking not only spanned the world, but also it is connected to big organizations, rich aristocrats, government agencies, the entertainment industry and so on. The evidence is there even though it is in bits and pieces. It takes someone willing to investigate with little fear of being called a “conspiracy nut” to figure it out. It is not just about the recent findings of the vile pedophilic tweets by director James Gunn and actor Rainn Wilson. Oddly enough, Wilson has worked with the Clinton Foundation to “aid” in the education of young girls in Haiti. It’s not even about the recent revelations made by actor Isaac Kappy regarding widespread pedophilia in Hollywood. There is much more information out there that would open our eyes and break our hearts to the wicked and powerful agendas of today.
On November 21st, 2016 a news article from the read, “Norwegian police said on Sunday they are investigating a grotesque pedophilia ring suspected of involvement in the abuse of at least 51 people, which includes the abuse of infants and at least one case of a suspect acknowledging abusing his own children. The latest incident is considered one of the largest child sexual abuse cases in the country's history. Deputy Police Chief Gunnar Floystad said that they have arrested 20 men so far, with three convictions, in western Norway. The 31 other suspects are from other regions in Norway. Those facing charges are to receive a maximum penalty of up to 15 years in prison. Floystad told reporters Sunday that many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians. Two current or former elected officials, one teacher and a lawyer are allegedly among the accused. He said he could not reveal more details pending the conclusion of the investigation, known as ‘Dark Room,’ which began in 2015.”
Just over a decade ago, the news was abuzz over the terrible deeds brought to light concerning financier, Jeffrey Epstein, who had close ties to Bill Clinton. Even famed director, Stanley Kubrick, once declared that the world was run by pedophiles. I would never recommend watching his final film Eyes Wide Shut, but many believe that even though it was based off of a book written in 1926, it was a “tell-all” of what goes on behind the scenes of big businesses, politics, and the entertainment industry. During the final stages of the film’s post-production, Kubrick suddenly died of a heart attack in his home. Not long after, over thirty minutes of footage ended up being taken out from the final cut. It should be no surprise that just last week news broke of an investigative journalist found dead in her hotel room from an apparent seizure. Just before her death, she happened to be investigating claims regarding Bill Clinton raping a boy on a yacht. There are many, many other stories regarding people in high profile positions who commit similar atrocities. The fact that Bryan Singer is not incarcerated is beyond me.
Of course, most of these claims of abuse either get shoved under the carpet by the puppets of mainstream media or those who try to investigate the truth, end up getting threatened with legal lawsuits, or worse. As if stories of child sexual abuse at the hands of powerful people is not disgusting enough, in my research, I have also found that a lot of these claims reveal a direct link to Satanism. It is not just the fact that there are some rich sickos having their way with children! There are many elites who are wholly given over to the devil. They commit vile sexual acts, torture children, and make sacrifices to Lucifer. All for pleasure and a sadistic high! Call me insane. Call me off my rocker. I don’t care anymore. I truly believe there will be more stories of child trafficking and satanic worship coming to light in the near future and I don’t want to be blind anymore to this reality. Have we forgotten that Paul wrote, “...the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:4)? Some men want to make believe that God is dead, not so they can be free to “think for themselves”, but so that they can dance with the devil without the nagging fear of judgment.
I am not sure all that I can do except speak out against these horrific acts and shed light on what was once shrouded with cover ups and lies. I can’t sit silent in a sheltered, “spiritual” bubble simply because such a subject isn’t kosher or sounds crazy. I must pray and investigate. Write and teach. I must strive to steadfastly fight in this vicious battle, “ the midst of a crooked and perverse nation...” (Philippians 2:15) Jesus said in Matthew 18:6, “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” One may say that Jesus was not talking about children, but about prospective believers. Yet, didn’t He also say we must have faith like a child to enter into the kingdom? Didn’t He cry out, “Suffer the children to come to me?” Isn’t God the Father to the fatherless? If the scriptures teach that children are a gift from God (Psalms 127:3), do we honestly believe that we will stand before Him one day and not be asked, “Did you defend the weak? Did you speak up for those who couldn’t speak up for themselves? Did you boldly expose the darkness and shine my truth in love?” Are we a true soldier for Christ if we do not experience times of ridicule and bear marks suffering, because we stood up for others? Speak out against abortion. Speak out against human trafficking, corruption, and immorality. Fight the good fight of faith! (1 Timothy 6:12)

Here are some news links and videos to verify what was written: (Dr. Phil exposes Clinton) (Fiona Barnett’s Testimony)


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