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Showing posts from August, 2018


Ephesians 6:12 “ For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.” AMPC I am not sure what distinctly sets apart someone who is willfully ignorant and another who is foolishly naive. I am mulling over my years in the ministry, trying to figure out whether I simply didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes of the political network, the entertainment industry, and many other shrouded organizations or whether I was just so caught up with my own interests that, in a way, I didn’t care to know. I wanted to preach God’s truth. I know that. In time, I became so sick of the substandard way the American church, by and large, carried on that I started digging deeper into church history and also began tearing myself away from my long held...

Lacking Nothing

It is so hard to believe that in just a couple months, we will have been here in York for a year. In this time, I have worked two different jobs, we have moved from a rental to a home we are now mortgaging, and we have had to get rid of two vehicles due to one catching on fire and one involved in an accident. Car troubles seem to be the staple for us this year. We have had to be towed 5 times, we have driven 4 different loners, and our 01’ Durango has been worked on at least 5 times. In fact, I was rejoicing several days ago that we lasted 2 months without any car problems! “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.” I do not write this update to throw a pity party and grovel over such petty problems, but only to relay the glorious fact that almost every time we have had an issue with a car or an unexpected bill is thrown in, without us even asking for help, God uses one person or an entire church to send us mon...