I have spent many years sitting under hard 'conservative' preaching where there has been a mile long list of do's and don't's and a standardized belief that the Christian life must be choosing what is good, better, and best. Here's an example....
Bob: You don't have a tie for service today?
Tom: I am sorry, I did not know I was supposed to wear one.
Bob: Well, it's the fact of what is good, better, and best!
Tom: Oh, why is that?
Bob: A tie is better. It makes you look distinguished. You don't want to look sloppy for God now do you?
Tom: No. I suppose not. I just came to worship God. I did not know there was more involved. What kind of a tie should I wear to honor God?
Bob: What kin.....well, um...you need one that matches the suit you should wear.
Tom: I'm not good at matching, what if I don't have the right color. Will God be offended?
Bob: Oh no! That is silly nonsense.
So, Tom goes on his way. Buys himself a tie and is duped into thinking that God smiles over a solid blue tie more than a soul simply thirsting for His presence.
I spent four years hearing how I must “bring my body into subjection, run the race, and finish strong” without fully being taught that the road of subjection is by faith not fighting, that the race is not run by my righteousness but in Christ's, and that finishing strong can only be “...in the power of His might...” alone. Some preachers have blasted forth the 'letter of the law' in their messages, while vaguely whispering over 'life in the Spirit.'
To you preachers who hammer down petty preferences from such things as facial hair and ties, are you certain that you are prepared to stand before the Judge of all and tell him that your whole ministry has trivialized the Holy Spirit's working in believers, never scratching the surface of Galatians 2:20, only promoting a dogmatic stance of standards and the notion that sanctification comes by their own labors and efforts to be 'holy' rather than the fact that it is through the Holy Spirit alone? Are you prepared to say that you were too busy preaching other preacher's sermons that sounded just right to make people fear and work harder rather than, in your own personal time of study, you sought to faithfully dig out the precious nuggets of God's Truth concerning His everlasting love and sufficient grace?
The day that God revealed to me the blessed truth that He is not a dictator of servants, but a devoted Father to His children, that He is not seeking those who are strong enough to labor FOR Him, but those who are surrendered enough to trust that He, by His Spirit, will work THROUGH them, such a day was glorious and beautiful. It was a day of restoration and rejoicing. Christian, God is not hitting you over the head for your failures. No. He knows we in ourselves cannot live in holiness! This is the purpose of Jesus Christ, “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might through Him (1 John 4:9 ).” The way of life and sanctification is only through the revelation of your death on the cross, and the acknowledgement of the resurrecting power of Jesus' life through you. Christianity is not a Try Harder Religion, but a Trust Him Relationship!
Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
2 Corinthians 3:4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward: 5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
The Saint’s Song
I tried so hard for many years
My life was full of weariness and tears
I thought I had to run on the holy road
But now I see it’s by resting on the Holy One
Praise God He lives in me
Praise God He set me free
Oh may I never forget
It’s not through trying, but through trusting Him
Layperson, Preacher, Christian how about it? Will you speak words of life and love to others or words of destruction and duty?
Amen! We have forgotten the authority of Scripture possibly because it is easier to repeat the "authority of preaching" than to find the TRUTH ourselves. I am amazed at how often I regurgitate what I heard. God is changing that; however, it is difficult when asked a question not to instantly retrieve the stored answer that I was programmed with. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hope you and Stephanie and the boy(s) are doing well. Keep up the good work. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! By the way, if you have never listened to a preacher named Voddie Baucham, you should. Based on your comments, you would enjoy his insights. Sola Scriptura is one of his mottos.... Also, Doug Phillips from Vision Forum is worth reading behind and listening to.
ReplyDeleteGary G.