As of late there has been a lot of talk over Tim Tebow. It started as hype over what he could offer for the Bronco’s offense this year. It has now become an onslaught of not only discouraging remarks over his skills, but also fierce ridicule over his “practice” of faith on the field. What disparages me is not the doubt over his abilities or even the criticism of some of his Quarterback tactics (This is professional talk), but the fact that there has been a storm of foolish gests called “Tebowing,” which was supposedly made up to be humorous (This is punk antics).
It seems a subtle attempt to get laughs, but the very fact that it has gained momentum in America and has been so widely laughed over and talked about by news and sports media alike proves that the thorn in the flesh of many Americans is “showy” Christianity. I will admit that Tim has not played well. I will admit also that he should not be too surprised that some have intolerantly labeled him as a funny/fanatic Christian, but what has been conveyed by so many as “Tebowing” is cowardice and wreaks of ignorance, especially within the realm of the media (Of course, for so many to have all the information, they act as if they know very little). “Tebowing” is nothing more than a cheap mockery of PRAYER to God.
Let’s take our imagination to another level. Say that I was an awesome football player. This is definitely a stretch for imagination. Now, as a football player, what if I purposefully made fun of a Muslim player on another team who at times prays on the sidelines? Perhaps, when the player gets sacked, I turn towards the direction of Mecca and mockingly bow 5 times. I would be defamed as a terrible sportsman from commentators. I would be land blasted as a bigoted jerk by millions. News writers would crucify me as a hate filled fool, rightfully so. Not made my point yet? What if I was a news writer and posted an article about Coach Phil Jackson writing that every time his team lost in the past it was because he was “meditating” too much and teaching his players on how to become ONE with a basketball rather than showing them how to make ONE shot with a basketball? Fury from fans would ensue. Baneful remarks from basketball players alike would bombard my everyday life.
Why? I have delved into a realm of criticism over his personal life and not just disapproval over his professional ability. I have sunk from being fair to being foolish. Yet, this is many Americans today and I fear that the longer I live I will see a wide range of ridicule and even cruelty over Christianity in America. My thoughts ultimately turn to one imperative thing I must do and it is, well…get on my knees and PRAY. What about you?
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