As of late there has been a lot of talk over Tim Tebow. It started as hype over what he could offer for the Bronco’s offense this year. It has now become an onslaught of not only discouraging remarks over his skills, but also fierce ridicule over his “practice” of faith on the field. What disparages me is not the doubt over his abilities or even the criticism of some of his Quarterback tactics (This is professional talk), but the fact that there has been a storm of foolish gests called “Tebowing,” which was supposedly made up to be humorous (This is punk antics). It seems a subtle attempt to get laughs, but the very fact that it has gained momentum in America and has been so widely laughed over and talked about by news and sports media alike proves that the thorn in the flesh of many Americans is “showy” Christianity. I will admit that Tim has not played well. I will admit also that he should not be too surprised that some have intolerantly labeled him as a funny/fanatic Christian,...