the last article, we have seen Eve's response to satan's deceitful
question over God's command concerning partaking of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. Somehow she managed to add to the divine
warning. Being cautious over consuming the fruit was not enough.
There was, at some point, an implementation of fear over even looking
at it! One may think that this was a noble way of avoiding
temptation, but if he were to take into account
the way in which Eve succumbed to the devil's enticing words, then he
would understand that her added standard stemmed from a latent,
self-righteous motive rather than a wholesome desire for purity.
30:5-6 states, “Every
word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in
him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be
found a liar.” It
is imperative that we hold to the true doctrine of God's word, but it
is equally important that we keep ourselves from adding to what has
already been revealed. Simple obedience to His commands is far
greater than striving, out of a sense of holy zeal, to come up with
regulatory sacrifices. However we view Eve's reasoning for
mishandling what
God said, we don't need to settle here in pious reflection; but to
observe, take note, and move on.
is much more to cover concerning her spiritually fatal encounter with
the devil. His response to her affirmation over not eating or
touching the fruit, lest her and Adam die, began with a rejection to
God's warning. He said simply, “Ye
shall not die (Gen.
3:4b).” The devil seeks to plant a seed of doubt into what God has
revealed in His word, but once he
sees unbelief take root, he will swiftly snatch the opportunity to
land-blast the ways of
the Almighty.
Hence, what Christ said in
Luke's gospel, “A
sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way
side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured
it...Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil,
and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should
believe and be saved
(8:5, 12).” I cannot help but think of the many people who have
scoffed at me over my belief in a Divine Creator. It is always the
same generic criticism, “Don't you know that science has replaced
God?! You still believe in a 'god of the gaps!' Don't you realize
that mankind invented God just to control people? You are just some
mindless sheep, but I'm a freethinker!” Of course, when pressed on
their own understanding of science and of good and evil, their
arguments tend towards a befuddled mess of contradictions and crass
(Depiction of the devil tempting William Booth to shoot Abraham Lincoln)
reality is that there are many people who have, for a long time, been
conditioned to disregard and even disdain the notion of heavenly
providence and holy purpose. In a government run school, they heard
some talking head say, “You are a highly evolved blob.” Through
watching Hollywood's propaganda, they saw the portrayal of a
Christian as being a mindless, angry bigot. In college, they listened
to a tedious lecture on the uselessness of religion. Over and over,
they were bombarded with the message to disregard the notion of God.
From the consumption of mainline music, controlled curriculum, and
mass media, the focus was and is on man's happiness and empowerment.
Understand that no matter what trumped up argument is presented
against the gospel, whether through famous entertainment or pristine
lectures, the foundation of such bitter criticism is rooted in the
devil's words, “Ye shall not die.” By this, I don't mean that
people think they will be immortal, even though there are now
re-occurring discussions on AI and human interface, but that the
devil wants people to overlook the truth that they are “dead
in sins
(Colossians 2:13),” and in need of a Savior.
wants you to look at the Bible's message of judgment and laugh at it.
He wants you to feel that there is no need to have a “broken
and a contrite heart (Psalms
51:17).” Why have guilt over anything? There
is only you and the open road of life! Live it to the fullest! Just
like John Lennon famously sang, “Imagine there's no heaven. It's
easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us, only sky.” Oh how it
thrills satan when people are convinced that they are safe building
their lives on society's shifting sands (Matthew 7:26)! The apostle
Peter once warned believers that,
shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts
(2 Peter 3:3).” This is such a clear depiction of the attitude of
this generation towards the gospel. How
sad it is that even many professed believers have forgotten the true
gospel. They are so focused on a gospel that makes people feel good
and act better, that they have tossed aside the glorious message that
Christ came to redeem those who were dead in their sins, so that they
might live unto righteousness!
Don't listen to the lies of the devil.
Without the Spirit of Christ living in you (Galatians 2:20), you will
certainly face death. True, we must all experience physical
death, but there is a much worse death that awaits those who reject
the Giver of all life. It is an eternal death in hell. Let's heed to
Solomon's twice spoken warning, “There
is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the
ways of death (Proverbs
14:12, 16:25),” and cling to the promise that, “In
the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is
no death
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