In 1 Samuel 14, when everyone else was waiting in fear over what the Philistine army would do, Saul's son, Jonathan courageously fought against another enemy garrison, killing over twenty men. Soon after, an earthquake caused the Philistines to fall into mass confusion and they started fighting each other! As the chaos ensued, Saul slowly realized that the battle had shifted in Israel's favor and ended up leading his army once more to battle. How many people are like this as well? Conditions must be right before they will step out in boldness . We may demean the apostle Peter's faith for losing sight of the Savior and sinking in the sea, but at least he was willing to get out of the boat even while there was a storm brewing! If we only move ahead when we see see clear skies and a beautiful path, we will not go very far. I am not advocating foolhardiness in the Christian walk, but I am encouraging trust in the midst of hardships and bold faith when everything may...