Though Christmas was over a
week ago, I found this poem I had written a while back that, to me, is still a
needed reminder as we make “preparations” for the next Christmas.
Once a year, they sing “Peace on earth”
Once a year, they celebrate my birth
Presents under the tree, Lights around the yard
Just for me, they max out their credit cards
Once a year, they remind people that I’m the
Why they are to celebrate this most joyous
But why in the summer, do they not say a word
Daily the number grows of people who have not
Once a year they remind each other to freely
Yet everyday there are ones struggling to live
I did not come for a day of observance
But to seek and to save that I might take up residence
To transform lives into new creations
That they might bear fruit and share the hope of salvation
So go buy gifts and go hang lights
Go plan a party for Christmas Eve night
Yet, know that I’ll not judge you by how you remember my birth
But by how far you spread my Word and Love on this earth.
Remember for 2015: Don't just make every opportunity "count," but make them Christ-like.
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