It has been a while since my last article. It seems as if right when Stephanie and I got back from vacation, I have been in overdrive. Most of the blame for such an arduous schedule falls directly on me. For this summer, I decided not to purchase any VBS material, but "simply" write my own. Now anytime I see the letters VBS I only think Very Busy Summer. Of course, this summer has opened up several blessings for ministry. One such is that I have had and will have several opportunities to speak at a Youth Enrichment program with roughly 25 kids. Still, it can be easy in life to get so busy that somehow you find yourself blinded to God's blessings, embittered over ministry, and increasingly discouraged. I write this because this is what happened to me. For some time, my walk was just aimlessly floating on the ocean of life. My studies whether personal or for preaching seemed to have lost depth. My attitude and at times my actions little exemplified an "overcomer...