This is the fourth lesson from my Sunday night messages in which I have simply sought to zero in on the teachings of Christ on prayer. D.M. M’Intyre: “ The equipment for the inner life of prayer…a quiet place, a quiet hour, a quiet heart.” “… every gracious work which has been accomplished within the Kingdom of God has been begun, fostered, and consummated by prayer.” The title is taken from Matthew 6:9 In this lesson, we will be looking verse by verse from 9-13. *Just before these verses, Christ spoke on the Motive in prayer, but now He is dealing with the Manner of prayer. *Jesus is not commanding Memorization and Exactness in Prayer, instead He is revealing the Main Essentials of Prayer. *If you just focus on the Precise Words, it becomes a Dead end to Prayer, but if you focus on the Wonder of Christ and the Will of God it is a Pathway for Power. Matthew 6 9 After this manner therefore pray y...