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The Intelligence Factor

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world."  - Richard Dawkins    


Richard Dawkins is a huge proponent for God out of schools, daily readings, conversations, practically in every aspect of life he believes that the notion of God is useless and harmful to one's intellect (I am amazed how much he consistently argues against a Deity, especially the God of the Bible, though it is supposedly a waste of breath to do so).

So now we have taken God out of public education in America. We have wiped Him off the charts of science, defamed His book as a fairy tale, and implanted every theory known to mankind regarding how the universe and life came about. So, what's to show for it? What does this evolutionary filled, religion criticizing  generation reveal? Have we tapped into the annals of knowledge by slowly pushing God out of His own universe? Mr. Dawkins would like for everyone to think this.

This is a copy of what is posted on  

Very insightful and discouraging...

Statistics on American K-12 Public Education

While most parents think their children are receiving a quality education, the majority of American students are falling behind their international counterparts. The consequences to our country are dramatic.

Consider these stark statistics:
We have low expectations for American students.

  • American students rank 25th in math and 21st in science compared to students in 30 industrialized countries.
  • America’s top math students rank 25th out of 30 countries when compared with
    top students elsewhere in the world. [1]
  • By the end of 8th grade, U.S. students are two years behind in the math being studied by peers in other countries. [2]
  • Sixty eight percent of 8th graders can’t read at their grade level, and most will
    never catch up.
Too many students drop out.

  • More than 1.2 million students drop out of school every year. That’s more than
    6,000 students every school day and one every 26 seconds. [3]
  • The national high school graduation rate is only 70 percent, with states ranging
    from a high of 84 percent in Utah to a low of 54 percent in South Carolina. [4]
  • Graduation rates are much lower for minority students. Only about half of the nation’s African-American and Latino students graduate on time from
    high school. [5]
Dropping out has dire consequences for the dropout...

  • The poverty rate for families headed by dropouts is more than twice that of
    families headed by high school graduates. [6]
  • Nearly 44 percent of dropouts under age 24 are jobless, and the unemployment
    rate of high school dropouts older than 25 is more than three times that of college graduates. [7]
  • Over a lifetime, dropouts earn $260,000 less than high school graduates. [8]
  • The health of an 18-year-old high school dropout is similar to that of a more educated person over two decades older. [9]
...and for society.

  • Dropouts from the class of 2007 will cost our nation more than $300 billion in lost
    wages, lost taxes and lost productivity.
  • Dropouts contribute about $60,000 less in federal and state income taxes. Each cohort of dropouts costs the U.S. $192 billion in lost income and taxes. [10]
  • Sixty five percent of U.S. convicts are dropouts and lack of education is one of the strongest predictors of criminal activity.
  • A dropout is more than eight times as likely to be in jail or prison as a high school graduate and nearly 20 times as likely as a college
    graduate. [11]
  • For each additional year of schooling, the odds that a student will someday
    commit a crime like murder or assault are reduced by almost one-third. [12]
  • Each year, the U.S. spends $9,644 per student compared to $22,600 per prison inmate. [13]
  • Increasing the high school completion rate by just one percent for all men ages
    20 to 60 would save the U.S. up to $1.4 billion per year in reduced costs from
    crime. [14]


This is copied from an article on Wikipedia regarding England's education.

The Confederation of British Industry is complaining of falling academic standards. Graduates increasingly lack employable skills, not just in science, technology and engineering, but also in basic language arts and mathematics. As a result, employers either have to pay for employees' remedial education or they must hire candidates from overseas.
Katharine Birbalsingh has written of the problems in the English education system. She cites unruly and emotionally disturbed pupils, difficulty in getting a class to listen, broken homes, bad teachers who cannot be dismissed and government policies encouraging "soft" subjects. She has visited schools in Jamaica and India where pupils are desperate to gain the kind of education to which pupils (and their parents) in her own school were indifferent. She was a deputy head teacher in south London until she spoke at a Conservative Party Conference in 2010 and was immediately sacked. Frank Chalk, who taught at an inner city school for ten years before resigning in frustration, makes similar claims.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said
"Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals."   WITH THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD AND ACTUAL, UNDILUTED SCIENCE THERE CAN BE GREAT INTELLECT AND CORE VALUES, BUT WITH NO GOD AND HYPOTHETICAL, BIASED "SCIENCE" THERE IS.....WELL, IGNORANCE.                


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