Throughout my life, I have experienced times of seeming hopelessness. When I was 11, I experienced the pain of losing my granddad. He died of a heart attack. In that same year, I watched in despair as my father drove away from our home in North Carolina and back to Pennsylvania. Both my mother and father had large disagreements, but in a way, both were also in pain. At 11 years old, I felt the piercing of real heartache. Before, hardships were simple, ever quickly coming and going without really doing much damage to my fun childhood.
I will never forget the one statement my mom told to me, after such tragedies happened, "You will always have a Heavenly Father to care for you." I was not saved, but I kept these words dear to my heart. Just before the discouraging year ended, my brother and I were invited to ride the church bus. For years, we had not been to church, but this time we went. Only a few months after riding, I received Jesus into my broken heart.
I do not remember the date, only the experience (This is indeed most important). I do not remember the message, only that I was more broken and in pain than ever. Yet, this time it was godly sorrow. I was saddened for how I had shirked God in the past. I was saddened for how I felt His love many times, even as a child, and still tossed Him aside. His arms were open in Love. Mine were outstretched in defiance. What I tried to hold onto, I found that it could be lost in an instant, indeed even my life seemed to be crushed under circumstances. So, there I was, 12 years old in a room with two deacons from the church, crying out. Crying out for Hope in this seemingly hopeless world. Broken? Yes. Confused? Yes. Convicted? Definitely.
One deacon said, "Son, do you know that Jesus loves you and died for you? He died for your sins. He wants to save you and make you new." My eyes were full of tears, but were clearer than ever. I saw Hope. I saw Jesus. No, no not some mystical, shadowy figure or an old painted picture. I saw Him in the precious pages of God's Word. He is Hope! And may I say that I heard in my heart the sound of Hope. It echoed forth, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. It is finished. Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." What tragedies I faced were triumphs of God's grace. I came to Him broken by trials and by my sin, He cast all my sins aside as far as the east is from the west. No more bondage. He took my heart of pain and filled it with Jesus, with Hope. He gave me His Spirit, the Comforter that can turn any struggle into strength.
Do you wanna hear the sound of Hope? Come to Jesus, be still in this busy, bustling society and listen with your heart. His call has never changed, "Come unto me......I will give you rest." As loud as this world gets, you will find that hope is hard to be heard, indeed silent, when you look for satisfaction in it. Come to the one who suffered for you, yet conquered even death, so that He might take your sufferings and sins and cast them aside and make you new!
I will never forget the one statement my mom told to me, after such tragedies happened, "You will always have a Heavenly Father to care for you." I was not saved, but I kept these words dear to my heart. Just before the discouraging year ended, my brother and I were invited to ride the church bus. For years, we had not been to church, but this time we went. Only a few months after riding, I received Jesus into my broken heart.
I do not remember the date, only the experience (This is indeed most important). I do not remember the message, only that I was more broken and in pain than ever. Yet, this time it was godly sorrow. I was saddened for how I had shirked God in the past. I was saddened for how I felt His love many times, even as a child, and still tossed Him aside. His arms were open in Love. Mine were outstretched in defiance. What I tried to hold onto, I found that it could be lost in an instant, indeed even my life seemed to be crushed under circumstances. So, there I was, 12 years old in a room with two deacons from the church, crying out. Crying out for Hope in this seemingly hopeless world. Broken? Yes. Confused? Yes. Convicted? Definitely.
One deacon said, "Son, do you know that Jesus loves you and died for you? He died for your sins. He wants to save you and make you new." My eyes were full of tears, but were clearer than ever. I saw Hope. I saw Jesus. No, no not some mystical, shadowy figure or an old painted picture. I saw Him in the precious pages of God's Word. He is Hope! And may I say that I heard in my heart the sound of Hope. It echoed forth, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. It is finished. Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." What tragedies I faced were triumphs of God's grace. I came to Him broken by trials and by my sin, He cast all my sins aside as far as the east is from the west. No more bondage. He took my heart of pain and filled it with Jesus, with Hope. He gave me His Spirit, the Comforter that can turn any struggle into strength.
Do you wanna hear the sound of Hope? Come to Jesus, be still in this busy, bustling society and listen with your heart. His call has never changed, "Come unto me......I will give you rest." As loud as this world gets, you will find that hope is hard to be heard, indeed silent, when you look for satisfaction in it. Come to the one who suffered for you, yet conquered even death, so that He might take your sufferings and sins and cast them aside and make you new!
Yo testimony is an inspiration to me. As I think of where you've come from to where God has brought you to today, I am amazed at His faithfulness. I am so glad that He included me in His plan for you! I love you with all my <3 forever and always!