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Showing posts from August, 2011

Satan’s Fables (The arguments I have heard) 2 TIME UPDATED

Satan’s Fables (The arguments I have heard before) Christianity is evil. Think about the DARK AGES where people with free thought were killed, because they would not conform to Church doctrine! Think of Galileo and those other rational people! It was truly the dark ages, but it was not because of Christianity. The true gospel holds to no hierarchy of man or to mans own merit for salvation. In fact, it was not the Dark Ages because people were not allowed to go against God’s Word, but quite the opposite. The Bible was very much suppressed by the Catholic Church and kept from the common people. It was a terrible age because God’s Word did not have free reign in the hearts of minds of the people. Roman Catholicism at its best is a man made religious monopoly. People who sought to know the truth of God’s Word were told that it could only be interpreted rightly by a priest. If somehow they got passed that system and questioned the pope’s teachings in comparison to God’s Wo...

The Perfect Work of Patience

Bethany's Church sign this week reads Don't Be Too Busy to Miss God's Blessings. If I could describe this generation in one word, it would have to be busy . So often I find myself getting strapped down to the rigorous routine of life, finding that at the end of the day all I have to show for it is a worrisome mind and a stress filled heart. Always fully in motion, but never truly moving forward. The rat race spills over into my spiritual walk and all that was wholesome, joyful, and uplifting becomes monotonous rhetoric, haphazard reading, and clumsy living. Numerous times I have had to fall on my face from "running the race" to realize that the race will never be finished through busy running, but through blessed rest. It's not just by pacing, but by patience. This may seem like a paradox, and indeed it is, yet Christianity is about the impossible becoming possible. The gospel is powerful and paradoxical. Just as we in reverence begin to dwell on the truth ...

The Unbelieving Heart

 I have been so disheartened as of late seeing, reading, and hearing about many people who have not only doubted what once they "professed" to believe, but ultimately end up rejecting God. Prominent anti-theists such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens has for many years sought to wipe the notion of a Deity out of the world. Evolution is heralded as science, while the belief and study that the world was Created seems to have no merit in this day. You are a scientist as long as you embrace Darwinistic teaching and utterly repudiate any idea of ID (Intelligent Design). Sadly, if Darwin could have fully grasped the complexity of one living cell, I do not believe he would have been so foolish to assume that out of primordial soup triggered by electric energy life could have somehow been made. Still, you have many scientists that are willing to hold to the view that an advanced alien race planted a "seed" of life on this earth and then just said, "Have fun...

The Sound of Hope, while the rest of the world is Silent

Throughout my life, I have experienced times of seeming hopelessness. When I was 11, I experienced the pain of losing my granddad. He died of a heart attack. In that same year, I watched in despair as my father drove away from our home in North Carolina and back to Pennsylvania. Both my mother and father had large disagreements, but in a way, both were also in pain. At 11 years old, I felt the piercing of real heartache. Before, hardships were simple, ever quickly coming and going without really doing much damage to my fun childhood. I will never forget the one statement my mom told to me, after such tragedies happened, "You will always have a Heavenly Father to care for you." I was not saved, but I kept these words dear to my heart.  Just before the discouraging year ended, my brother and I were invited to ride the church bus. For years, we had not been to church, but this time we went. Only a few months after riding, I received Jesus into my broken heart. I do ...