The Command Module designed for NASA, during 1969, was basically a large computer that boasted a whopping 64Kbyte of memory and operated at 0.043MHz. Another computer used during that time was made by IBM and cost over 3 million dollars. It was the size of a typical Ford sedan. One would assume that given the size of such devices and the fact that they were used for space travel that they would be pretty powerful, but today's cheap smartphone holds much more information than any computer made in that time period. Your average cell phone is also over a million times faster. Indeed, because of technology, it truly has become a small world. By the click of a button, a person can have a video conversation with another who could be clear across the globe. Everyone appears to be connected and now unfathomable information is within almost instantaneous reach to anyone with the capabilities of getting online. With notifications sent directly to one's phone, computer, or tablet; he...