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Showing posts from February, 2019

The Devil Wears a Tie (Continued)

Of all the ways the devil will tempt a person, catering to one's vanity is his favorite means to get them to fall. After all, before the inception of time, he also succumbed to pride. He believed he had an inward right to the heavenly throne, and through promulgating the potential of self exaltation to other angelic beings, he led a massive insurrection against the Almighty. There was absolutely no chance of a “successful rebellion”, but reason often dissipates when one is steeped in prideful bitterness. Simply put, the devil began to hate God, for being, God. This attitude of entitlement parades itself in every heart. We may be able to mask it for a while, but given enough hardships and displeasure, we often become the corrupted clay, vilifying the ways of God and distrusting the commands of His word (Isaiah 29:16). The apostle Paul's warning to believers at Ephesus was,  “Don't give the devil any opportunity to work  (Ephesians 4:27).” Yet, in the garden of Eden, we ...