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Showing posts from December, 2016

Resolve to Wait

Presents have been opened, returns have been made, lights and trees will soon be taken down, and the radio/music playlists for many has changed back to regular tunes. A new year is at hand and soon a new POTUS. Between terrorist attacks, political scandals, societal tensions, embittered parties filled with hateful rhetoric, whether Republican or Democrat, 2016 has been a year full of conflict and corruption. For many, the idea of a New Year dawning somehow brings thoughts of hopeful change. Who knows what awaits us this year, so we make our attempts to “better” ourselves. We look back at what hasn’t been done and say to ourselves, “ This year, this year I will get busy. I will not waste my time, but I will be more practical, more purposeful, and more active.” For a short while, we will lift our heads high with grand aspirations, and yet in time, plans will be scrapped and promises will be broken. Hearts will be hardened, homes will be shattered, marriages will fail, churches will...

Bah Humbug has a nice ring to it

Shocked is something I hardly experience anymore. I suppose my travels across the states and in other countries has left me somewhat hardened over the actions of others. It is not that I do not care about what people do, but I am no longer surprised at other people's follies and attitudes. With this in mind, there are rare occasions that cause me to think " what in the world are they doing? "  You see, not long ago I was in a store with my kids, when I heard an elderly lady ask my six year old son, “What is Santa bringing you for Christmas?” His response was classic, “Santa is not real!” Immediately her eyes glared with shock and a little bit of anger. She then proceeded to argue with him that Santa is real. This altercation only lasted a few seconds, but she ended this trivial debate by saying, “Well! Good children get their gifts from Santa, and bad kids get their gifts from their parents.” I bit my tongue hard. Though I am not sure whether I would have yelled bac...