When I was a child, my dad served for a several years in the Navy. I still remember the stories he would tell my brother and I about his experiences in other countries and the dangers he faced along the way. Since we were just kids, we clung onto every word with a hunger for adventure. Sometimes my brother and I would go outside and act out a harrowing Naval voyage on a porch beside our single wide trailer. To us, joining the military was more about world exploration than homeland protection. Obviously, as you get older, your eyes are opened to the real danger and potential hardships a soldier faces each day. Now understand that this blog is not about the militia of man, seeing as I have no personal experience in this matter, but it is about the spiritual warfare that has raged since the fall of man. I have simply used my past recollections as a springboard. Whether we know it or not, humanity is faced with a greater threat than terrorism or even the possibility...