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Showing posts from December, 2012


       The vice of society and downfall of religious freedom is not and will not be by the utter hatred that is spewed forth from embittered atheists, the flaunting of immorality from sodomite activists, the vile belligerence of the ACLU, nor from the degrading propaganda of Hollywood and the media. No, it will come by the confusion of Truth, the compromise of Holiness, and the corrosion of Unity within the framework of Christianity.               If it all could be funneled into a particular, it is the problem of pride within each heart. It is masked in the form of one who boasts over a denomination, almost to the point of worshipping its existence and deifying its function. It is also found in one who feels smugly content to be placed in the camp of Tolerance, fearing holy confrontation in which could vilify his lack of faith and cowardice spirit. Thus, he will never be caught lifting a bro...


(Please know that I will continue my posts on prayer later on. I still have about 2 more studies to publish on this blog.) It takes hardly any mental effort to realize that we live in a country filled with conveniences. We have microwaves, dishwashers, credit cards, keyless entry, power windows, bluetooth, facebook, and the list goes on. I have often heard seniors say, “I don't see how we made it without all these things!” Modern advancements can be a great help to society, but when it comes to the inner being of an individual, no technological achievement or material convenience will ever suffice to restore or strengthen the soul. The great gap of the soul can only be filled up with the one who “ filleth all in all”, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:23b). Yet, t he road of true Christian living is not some large, smoothly paved interstate lined up with fun filled attractions. No. It is a narrow dirt path lined with high mountains and deep rivers. By no means do I use this imagery t...